Expanded Emergency Child Care Funding For Essential Workers
The Community Child Care Council of Sonoma County (4Cs) has been consulting with the Sonoma County Emergency Operations Center to ensure Hospital Employees have access to low cost and affordable child care since March 20, 2020. Thanks to the Governor’s recent Executive Order that expanded funds for state child care subsidies, starting Tuesday April 21st Essential Workers in need of child care for their children will be eligible to receive child care funding through June 30, 2020.
Child Care is critical for our Essential Workers who have no one else to care for their children. 4Cs will be managing the application and screening process. To apply please visit the 4Cs website https://www.sonoma4cs.org/about/emergency-updates/.
This temporary program and application is streamlined for expedited enrollment. 4Cs staff is working remotely to support Essential Workers through this process and to provide child care referrals to an open child care program as needed. 4Cs has quickly built remote systems to support this program and we imagine that there will be some challenges. We appreciate your patience. 4Cs is hopeful to enroll up to 200 applicants, however we may be limited by available resources dependent upon community need.
Community Child Care Council is Sonoma County’s state funded Child Care Resource agency and operates 12 state funded preschools across the county that prepare children for school and life success while allowing their parents to work or attain vocational education. Additional programs include the subsidized child care, nutrition (also in Napa and Marin Counties) and resource and referral services.