YPN 2017 Annual Report
Dear YPN Members and Supporters:
Thank you for your support of YPN. As we reflect upon the year behind us, and begin to make resolutions and plans for 2018, we wanted to take a moment to stop and thank you. Thank you for your support of our organization; thank you for taking the time to invest in your professional network; and thank you for supporting your fellow YPN members.
As we begin a new year, we want to share our Annual Report which highlights YPN’s work over the past year in highlights, statistics and remembrances, as well as a letter from the 2017 Chairman, Ben Lehr of Lehr Insurance Agency. YPN released the report on the website this morning at http://www.santarosametrochamber.com/main/publications/ . You can also view and download a PDF version of the Annual Report here.
We look forward to seeing you in 2018 when we plan to #ConnectYPN #EmpowerYPN and #DevelopYPN.
In the meantime, if you have questions about YPN, please don't hesitate to contact Erin Douglas at 707.636.3661 or ErinD@SantaRosaMetroChamber.com.
Happy New Year,
Your YPN Team
For more information, contact Erin Douglas at 707.636-3667.