Ribbon Cutting for Motion Sports Chiropractic

On May 10, we had the pleasure of celebrating Motion Sports Chiropractic’s 1-year anniversary.
Dr. Carole Yoshiwara at Motion Sports Chiropractic is dedicated to providing personalized care to help you achieve optimal performance and wellness. The chiropractic clinic offers a range of services including sports injury treatments, adjustments, red light therapy, and even nutrition consulting. The clinic provides personalized care and lifestyle advice to help patients achieve the best motion for their body. Looking to optimize your sports performance or relieve some joint pain? Head over to the Motion Sports Chiropractic website and book a visit with Dr. Carole Yoshiwara today! Learn more by visiting the website here or stop by for a visit, located at 1209 College Ave.
Congratulations on the 1-year anniversary Motion Sports Chiropractic! We had such a fun time celebrating this milestone with you all. Who says you can’t cut an elastic TheraBand for a ribbon cutting?! 🎉