Regional Stay-at-Home Order Lifted

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has ended the stay-at-home orders for all regions in the state.
This action allows all counties statewide to return to the rules and framework of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy and color-coded tiers that indicate which activities and businesses are open.
Sonoma County is still in the purple tier, but services and activities, such as outdoor dining and personal services, may resume immediately with required modifications.
- Hair salons and barbershops open indoors with modifications
- Personal care services open indoors with modification
- Museums, zoos, and aquariums open outdoors only with modifications
- Restaurants open outdoor only with modifications
- Wineries open outdoor only with modifications
- Bars, breweries, and distilleries where a meal is provided open outdoor only with modifications
- Limited services open
- Family entertainment centers open outdoor only
- Retail stores (clothing, books, jewelry, etc.) may open at a maximum 25% capacity with modifications
- Indoor shopping malls may open at a maximum 25% capacity. Food courts and common areas remain closed
- Grocery stores may open at a maximum 50% capacity with modifications
For more detail on what business activities are permitted, use the Find the Status for Activities in Your County tool or view the CDPH's Blueprint Activity and Business Tiers (PDF).
Read the full press release about lifting the regional stay at home order from the CDPH.