Recommending action to local, state and federal representatives

The Santa Rosa Metro Chamber, in partnership with Chambers across Sonoma and Marin Counties, has drafted a letter to local, state and federal representatives recommending action to create financial support for local businesses. Recommended actions took the form of three broad categories with a number of proposals within each:
Availability of Cash
- Small Business Capital Loans
- State Employment Emergency Grants
- Non-profit Payments
- Government Contracting
- Expedited RFP Process
- Short-term Revenue Baselining
- Unemployment Supplement
- Small Business Loan Guarantees
Continued Business Operations
- Committee for Innovation
- Modified Operational Standards
- Limited Contact Businesses & Resumption Certainty
- Creatively Reopen Schools
Deferral of Operational Expenses
- Lease, Mortgage, Rent Deferral
- Property and other Tax Deferral
- Development/Construction Fees
- Reopen Planning Departments
- Workforce Development Funding
The letter urging action is as follows:
Honorable representatives,
Covid-19 presents a terrible threat to our communities. As we have seen in prior pandemics, and the early path of this one, this virus is not something that we can afford to take lightly.
Unfortunately, misinformation and a lack of preparedness gave this pandemic a dangerous head start impacting our communities. Thankfully, we have recently become far more educated and forthright leadership from our elected leaders has made great strides in preventing the spread of Covid-19. Although the health order currently in place presents disruption in all of our lives, we all agree that we have a shared responsibility of protecting the public’s health and safety. We thank you for your leadership in responding as you have to protect public health and safety.
It is critical that we are as forthright with you on the impacts that these actions are having on our economy, small business, and ultimately the same individuals who are being protected from Covid-19. In short, without similar swift and significant action to insulate businesses from financial ruin caused by the Shelter in Place order, we will soon experience a host of catastrophic impacts due to an economic collapse.
Although they make take longer to materialize, the economic impacts have the potential to disrupt the health, safety and security of our society as much as the virus we are working so hard to contain. It cannot be emphasized enough, that the impending economic disaster will shatter our already fragile workforce, create additional public health crises through increased poverty, increased housing and food insecurity, and increased domestic violence and suicide that rise during times of economic hardship.
The government’s necessary action to enact shelter in place orders is at the same time a governmental prohibition for business to operate. Without the ability to earn revenue, businesses are already failing. Today, hotels and wineries stand near empty, restaurants are closing, professional services firms are laying off employees, financial institutions are cancelling loans. Starting recovery efforts after this emergency will be absurdly too late, as there will be no business infrastructure remaining.
A return to business as usual cannot happen, yet we must find solutions to ensure there is a viable economy once we have beaten this virus together. The Chambers of Commerce and related business associations serving business small and large throughout the north bay propose action in the areas attached to this letter, and we stand anxious and ready to support the legislative proposals needed.
Santa Rosa Metro Chamber
Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce
Rohnert Park Chamber of Commerce
Cotati Chamber of Commerce
Cloverdale Chamber of Commerce
Mark West Chamber of Commerce
Sonoma County Alliance
North Bay Black Chamber of Commerce
Bodega Bay Chamber of Commerce
Sonoma County Vintners
Petaluma Chamber of Commerce
Sonoma County Farm Bureau
Sebastopol Chamber of Commerce
Geyserville Chamber of Commerce