Metro Chamber Honors Jeff Okrepkie with Spirit of Sonoma Award

December 14, at the Spirit of Sonoma Awards the Santa Rosa Metro Chamber honored Jeff Okrepkie, the founder of Coffey Strong. Jeff has been the model for community organizing and disaster recovery following the Sonoma Fires. In his effort to help his neighborhood, Coffey Park, navigate the extremely complex rebuilding process, Jeff founded the non-profit Coffey Strong with a mission of helping the neighborhood reconstruct as quickly as possible while minimizing problems in the process.
Jeff has helped to evaluate construction firms, contractors, insurance, and served as a liaison for political, government, media, and other organizations engaging with the neighborhood – all of which has provided information and space for his neighbors to successful rebuild their homes and lives. His work, and that of Coffey Strong, has been recognized by community leaders throughout the State as a model for community building and recovery.
In addition to serving locally, Jeff has reached out to other communities in Northern California dealing with similar wildfires. Through this work, he has represented the very best of Sonoma County, both at home and as an ambassador throughout the State.
The Spirit of Sonoma Awards, sponsored by the Sonoma County Economic Development Board, recognizes the leadership and positive contributions that business and agriculture leaders, chambers, and trade groups give to our local economy and community. To date, almost 400 individuals have been awarded the Spirit of Sonoma Award.
Congratulations Jeff and thank you for embodying the Spirit of Sonoma.