Member Profile: Neil
Meet Neil !
Hey there Neil! Thank you for being such an active member of the Young Professionals Network. Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do.
I am a building energy efficiency consultant and run a small company here in Santa Rosa with two partners. While I love what I do if I wasn't stuck at home I would love to be floating the Russian River, balancing my dog on a paddle board.
How long have you been a member with YPN, and what have you gained from being a member?
I have been a member since early 2019 and have gained a great group of friends in Sonoma County. I love being able to see people around town and connect with so many different professionals from all sorts of industries.
A lot has happened in the past few months, and we are all working to support each other by keeping our distance and staying home. Outside of working from home, how have you and your family kept busy?
We mostly have been chasing my 1 yr old nephew around the house and yard as he explores everything. Our latest effort has been to plant our garden and maybe have some tasty vegetables by the time this is over!
What are you most proud of having accomplished in this past year?
We did this ice bath and breathing exercise as a form of fun and I am proud to say, I lived.
At this year’s Professional Development Day we talked about setting and committing to personal goals. What is the one thing you hope to accomplish in 2020?
I set a goal of a daily gratitude journal, which my wife does everyday and I aspire to do everyday. And with this I spotlight re-committee to everyday!