Legislative Summit Refines Shared Policy Agenda

Chamber and business representatives from Sonoma, Marin and Napa counties convened on March 22 at the North Bay Chamber Legislative Summit to prepare a policy agenda that will be brought to lawmakers during Cal Chamber’s Capitol Summit in May.
Hosted by the Santa Rosa Metro Chamber and the San Rafael Chamber, this event featured a study session on cross sector policy and economic impact led by Micah Weinberg, President of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute. Discussions focused on issues such as housing development and affordability, workforce attraction and retention, commuters and regional traffic, and bringing a data-centric, triple bottom line perspective to policy recommendations.
With input from nine Chambers – representing over 5,000 businesses and more than 100,000 employees in the North Bay region – attendees conferred on legislative priorities in preparation for conversations with lawmakers in Sacramento. Topping the list of issue areas were housing, transportation, workforce, and disaster preparedness and response. Further group work drilled down on issue area action items, which will be used to assemble a policy agenda that will direct discussions with representatives in Sacramento.