June 5th Primary Ballot Measure Recommendations
The Santa Rosa Metro Chamber urges you to vote YES on these important transportation-related ballot measures on June 5th.
YES on Proposition 69:
This proposition would amend the California constitution to restrict the use of diesel sales tax revenues and the new transportation improvement fee to transportation purposes only. This measure would add protections for the new transportation revenues approved under SB1, which we supported, and would weaken the effort to repeal SB1.
YES on Regional Measure 3:
This measure authorizes toll increases on seven state-owned Bay Area bridges (not Golden Gate), and will raise an estimated $4.45 billion over 25 years for transit projects and highway improvements.
- Sonoma County will pay in 2%, get back 4%
- Money to complete U.S. 101/Sonoma Marin Narrows construction
- Money to extend SMART to Windsor and Healdsburg