Grateful for Your Partnership – Chairman’s and CEO’s End of Year Message
To say that this has been a challenging year doesn’t come close to adequately describing the level of struggle, anxiety, adversity and frustration we have all faced. In fact, we aren’t sure if there is an adequate way to sum it all up. Yet, we know how it feels because we are in it with you. We are in it together as a city, a county, state, nation, and even world.
Since March, we at the Chamber have worked tirelessly to support our members and the community. We shifted our resources to connect with you individually, to understand how you were impacted, and what you needed to get through. Based on what we heard from you, the Chamber took on new and significant issues.
Early on, we convened other chambers of commerce in the region to propose a set of recommendations for local governments to support small business and the community. We helped a small group of business owners and medical professionals draft a plan to safely and responsibly re-open the local economy. We helped other business groups write a 10-point economic recovery plan. The Chamber has also ramped up its advocacy efforts, pressing the needs of small businesses and the economy with elected officials in our cities, county, state, and nation on an almost daily basis.
We heard that too many of our members were in limbo early on in the pandemic, waiting for the implementation of federal relief. Seeded by an investment from the Community Foundation Sonoma County, we were able to raise and distribute over $120,000 in emergency relief grants to small business throughout Sonoma County. Later, as childcare centers were under pressure to remain open, we were able to partner with the Celebrate Community fund to provide $25,000 to childcare providers so they could survive and serve working families.
Like many of your businesses, our organization has had to adapt too. We have said goodbye to cherished co-workers, figured out virtual work environments, and adjusted our programing to be relevant during the pandemic. Through partnerships, we have had to innovate.
Programs like Open&Out was a bright spot this year in partnership with the City of Santa Rosa, the Downtown District, Creative Sonoma, Chamber member The Engine is Red, and many other local small businesses. Open&Out provided a lifeline for our downtown restaurants and merchants, gave the community a walkable 4th Street, and helped provide a ray of hope and beauty through art installations.
One thing that was highlighted time and again this year is that none of our work is done alone. Our programs can only function with hundreds of Chamber volunteers and engaged members. What is more, the Chamber itself can’t exist without your continued membership. For all of the partnership and trust and commitment this represents, during this holiday season and every day to come, we are eternally grateful to you.
Peter Rumble, Chamber CEO
Ryan Beach, 2020 Board Chair