Get tested, everyone - it's good for our health and economy
Protect our health and help our region move out of the purple tier. If we prioritize testing, we can do both.
The County of Sonoma is asking employers to help their employees get tested on a weekly basis for COVID-19. The County is providing free, convenient, and confidential COVID-19 testing. Employers can reserve blocks of time or employees can schedule testing on their own. We encourage employers to make testing part of an employee’s schedule, providing an hour of paid time if necessary. As we move into winter and the flu season, identifying and caring for asymptomatic people in our community is essential to keeping infection rates low – with the benefit of helping our businesses open and operate safely.
Feel fine? Think you don't need to get tested? Think again
Asymptomatic COVID-19 positive persons can spread the virus, impact the health of co-workers and family members, and keep Sonoma County in the most restrictive reopening tier. Please, do your part to support our community. Together, we can protect the health of our community and help get businesses like indoor dining, wineries, gyms, movie theatres and more reopened.
Learn more about getting tested
Employers can reserve blocks at OptumServe's Santa Rosa and Windsor testing sites by calling 888-634-1123. Click here to view the County of Sonoma Covid Testing webpage.
Check out local testing sites
Click here to search the interactive map.
Check out the pop-up testing calendar
Click here for dates and locations.
Check out the downloadable flyer to share with employees
Share the informational flyer on pop-up testing sites with employees.
Learn more about testing & quarantine incentives
Share information on testing incentives with employees. The County will be providing financial assistance and resources to protect individuals in our highly impacted areas – a gift card for getting tested and over $1,000 for those needing to isolate.