Chamber Board Sets Division Goals for Remainder of 2008
During the Chamber's 2008 Mid Year Board Retreat, the following goals were set for each division, to work on for the remainder of 2008.
ADVOCACY - Carl Campbell, Chair
• Increase interaction and cooperation between subcommittees
• Support the Chamber's Accreditation Process
• Help with fundraising for the SMART campaign and create and promote the Chamber position
• Develop the Chamber's policy on greenhouse gas emissions, and have it included in other policies
• Encourage County Supervisors to add Economic Vitality to the General Plan
• Have formed a Government Relations Committee and hope to form better relations with state and federal officials.
• Report to membership the Chamber's positions with a mailer before the election
• Hold public forums for candidates
• Increase advocacy
Contact Chris Lynch for more information
• Explore the possibility of a Senior Professionals Network
• Work on funding mechanisms for English Language Learner programs
• Develop 3 new Academies for 2009 and explore partnerships
• Work on the "Cash for College" campaign
• Outreach with the idea of the Literacy Fiesta to other local businesses
• Work on the visibility of the English Language Learner program through the Educators Breakfast
• Help the Hispanic Chamber develop Leadership component of the English Language Learner program
Contact Kelly Bass for more information
• Work on recruitment of Scottish Games for Labor Day 2009.
• Formation of a Restaurant Improvement Area
• Launch new website in the next 30 days
• Look at new revenue streams
• Broaden presence in the Bay Area
Contact Mo McElroy for more information
ECONOMIC VITALITY - Michelle Gervais, Chair
• Work on funding to create Virtual Incubator to help the Entrepreneurial Pathway Program
• Recruit 3 more companies for the Mid-Size Manufacturing program
• Break even on the next Venture Forum
• Work on Bay Area marketing program to attract people to Santa Rosa for jobs
• Weigh into the City's Strategic Plan
• Work on having economic vitality component added to the County's strategic plan
• Work on having a "Close to Home" article in the paper
• Develop a strategic think tank
• Would like have an additional Board Member sit on the Economic Vitality Committee
Contact Chris Lynch for more information
FINANCE COMMITTEE - Jeanne Simpson, Chair
• Use the American Chamber of Commerce Executives Operations Survey to develop Best Practices
• Review budget assumptions and make appropriate adjustments (deferred revenue, etc.)
• Look at Capital Improvements
• Help with the Accredidation process
• In reference to the Convention & Visitors Bureau:
-Look at new budget for their new fiscal year
-Watch for outside cuts
Contact Sheridan Rapolla for more information
• Need the board's help on increasing number of applications
• Incorporate "Quality of Life Day" into entire year
• Have the second year of LSR include more Chamber involvement
• Work on having LSR days tailored to Chamber goals
• Fill the 5 empty spots on the Steering Committee
Contact Janet Rogers for more information
MEMBERSHIP - Trish McLean, Chair
• Focus on retention
• Develop program for dropped members that includes an invitation back that focuses on the reason why that member left the Chamber
• Work on Ambassador incentive (mid-year goal)
• Have the Board help with recruitment of new members
• Develop a small ad-hoc committee to explore a member to member discount program
• Develop Best Practice program analysis on member retention
Contact Janet Rogers for more information
SPECIAL EVENTS - Corey Turner, Chair
• Focus on being green at events
• Promote SMART position at events
• Better distinguish Board Members at events with name badges
• Work on promotion of trips to China, Hong Kong and India
Contact Janet Rogers for more information