Advocacy Council Recommends Positions on Local Ballot Measures
Advocacy Council is proud to announce its recommendations for the local ballot measures. The Chamber recommends you support measures N and O and oppose P and W. See below for further information regarding these measures.
Measure N - Sonoma County Amend Civil Service Ordinance 305A
Shall the Sonoma County Civil Service Ordinance be amended to provide that the director of human resources be appointed by the Board of Supervisors and to add the director of human resources to the list of unclassified employees?
The Advocacy Council Recommends that the Chamber SUPPORT Measure N. We supported a similar proposal that was defeated in June. This version is more limited and just changes the director of human resources from a classified one to one appointed by the Supervisors. Advocacy members believe that this will contribute to the better control of and accountability for employee costs at the County.
Measure O - City of Santa Rosa Urban Growth Boundary Extension
Shall the voters of the City of Santa Rosa adopt an ordinance amending section 17-28.010 of the Santa Rosa City Code to extend Santa Rosa’s Urban Growth Boundary ordinance until December 31, 2035?
The Advocacy Council recommends that the Chamber SUPPORT the extension of the Urban Growth Boundary until 2035. This position is in keeping with our previous support for the creation of the Urban Growth Boundary. Advocacy Council members also want the Chamber to play an active role, after the election, in the convening of an effort to fully explore the implications of this extension including the likelihood of higher housing densities to accommodate the loss of acreage due to the tiger salamander listing.
Measure P - City of Santa Rosa One-Quarter Cent Sales Tax
THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA VITAL CITY SERVICES MEASURE. To help maintain essential City services including police and fire protection; violent and gang-crime prevention; pedestrian safety; property and nuisance-related crime prevention; street paving and pothole repair; park safety; and recreation and youth programs, shall the City of Santa Rosa enact a one-quarter cent sales tax for eight years, with all revenue staying in the City and subject to annual, independent audits and public expenditure reports?
The Advocacy Council recommends that the Chamber OPPOSE Measure P. At a time of economic hardship it is unrealistic to ask citizens to pay higher sales taxes. Further this places an even greater burden on businesses struggling to keep customers. While the Chamber fully recognizes the need to fund City services, we believe that this is best accomplished by an aggressive effort to grow our economy and create jobs.
Measure W - Sonoma County Transportation Authority $10 Annual Vehicle Fee
Sonoma County Transportation Improvement Measure: In order to fill pot holes, build more bicycle and pedestrian safety projects, create a countywide Safe Routes to School program and sustain and improve local bus service throughout Sonoma County, shall the Sonoma County Transportation Authority establish a $10 annual vehicle license fee?
The Advocacy Council recommends that the Chamber OPPOSE Measure W. This is another example of increased fees at a time when everyone is struggling to make ends meet. Further, this issue fails to address the challenge of repairing our roads and puts the funds primarily towards other purposes which might be addressed with user fees. While the goals are laudable, now is not the time to increase costs.