2021 SLEI National Survey of U.S. Businesses Owners

Stanford University's Dr. Marlene Orozco’s work is setting a new standard for understanding small businesses, especially those owned by women, BIPOC, LGBTQAI+ residents. She is conducting a national survey to gain more information about small business and entrepreneurship to help develop more programs to support small businesses.
The Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative (SLEI) survey collects data from business owners of all backgrounds in order to draw comparisons and highlight unique experiences and impacts of Latino-owned businesses.
The intention of the survey is to help inform business and government decision makers and continue to move equity forward in Sonoma County. All survey responses will be anonymized and remain completely confidential.
Your participation is crucial for understanding how businesses are doing in the midst of a myriad of challenges and opportunities, and is vital for helping more Sonoma County families thrive through their entrepreneurship.
We strongly encourage you to participate in this survey. It is estimated to take 12-15 minutes, and survey is open through Friday, July 9.
Additional information about the research program at the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative can be found here: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/centers-initiatives/slei.