20% off Mandatory Harassment Prevention Training

Mandatory California Harassment Prevention Training for Everyone in your Workplace
California employers with five or more employees are required by law to provide two hours of sexual harassment prevention training to all supervisors and one hour of such training to nonsupervisory employees every two years.
Santa Rosa Metro Chamber members can save 20%.
The Santa Rosa Metro Chamber has partnered with CalChamber to provide you with access to harassment prevention training at a 20% discount.
Supervisor Training$43.99 Retail Rate |
Non-supervisor Training$25.99 Retail Rate |
Online harassment prevention training through CalChamber makes it convenient to effectively train employees and fulfill your compliance obligations. Our courses meet California’s legal requirements and include best practices that raise awareness about the subtleties of harassment, improve workplace culture and respect, and increase productivity and a sense of well being.
How to get started
To receive your discount, use the Priority Code SRHPT when you purchase mandatory Harassment Prevention Training.
Place your order by calling (800) 331-8877 or shop online at https://store.calchamber.com/10032192/products/harassment-prevention-training