Sonoma County partners with Leap Solutions to lead stakeholder outreach campaign concerning vaccines
The Sonoma County Department of Health Services is partnering with Santa Rosa-based Leap Solutions Group to launch a COVID-19 Vaccination Stakeholder Outreach campaign beginning this week to promote awareness and engagement about vaccination distribution within Sonoma County.
Leap Solutions Group will partner with the County in convening a series of virtual meetings and other engagement opportunities with local stakeholder groups. Leaders from county-wide sectors, companies, organizations, associations, and representative groups will be convened to inform and provide community engagement surrounding the implementation of the countywide vaccination program. Specifically, Team Leap will:
- Support stakeholder engagement to ensure an equitable roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine
- Provide information and on-going engagement opportunities
- Engage with community leaders and stakeholders to ensure outreach extends to the whole county
- Establish an Outreach Committee composed of stakeholders who represent the county’s diversity, regions and business and nonprofit sectors
- The Outreach Committee will support the implementation of the county-wide outreach and engagement strategies
“This partnership will play a critical role in ensuring that community leaders in all sectors are able to get the information they need about the vaccination rollout that they can then take back and share with their members,” said Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, Chair of the Board of Supervisors. “By the same token, the feedback that we hope to get from these sessions and from this Outreach Committee will help raise County awareness of the gaps that may exist in the vaccine outreach and communication plans by the County, health care providers, the state and others.”
The Leap effort will be led by long-time Sonoma County health care professional and community volunteer, Judy Coffey, Senior Consultant for Leap Solutions Group, Inc. and the former Senior Vice President and Area Manager of Kaiser Permanente, Sonoma/Marin.
"Understanding the numerous issues surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine rollout can be very difficult, and Leap Solutions is pleased to a part of the vaccination program,” said Coffey. “As a member of the Leap Solutions team, I look forward to engaging with our stakeholders on this important solution to this public health issue. As a nurse and health care professional, I am inspired to realize the impact that the vaccination program will have to revitalize our community.”
For information about Sonoma County vaccine distribution, go to
Based in Santa Rosa, Leap Solutions is a diverse group of management, organizational development, human resources and executive search and recruitment professionals. Serving industries and clients throughout Sonoma County and the United States since 1998, Leap’s organizational development and human resource specialists are supporting clients through the ever-changing COVID-19 guidelines, programs, and legislation that may impact clients and their employees. For more information, go to