Kaiser Permanente partners with Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation to provide mental health support for young people
Kaiser Permanente recently announced our new partnership with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation (BTW). Kaiser Permanente's support will enhance BTW Foundation’s Kindness in Community Fund, which is dedicated to supporting community organizations focused on youth mental health and wellness, informed and/or led by youth, and rooted in practices of inclusion, access, and equity. With our additional support, Born This Way Foundation will be able to increase the number of organizations in California that will receive funding this year.
Our grant also supports the Be There Certificate — a free, self-paced, interactive online mental health course for young people (and anyone) that teaches them how to kindly and safely provide mental health support to their peers. Linked above is a two-pager about the certificate program and how to access the free online training. Please share this resource with your network.