Habitat of Sonoma County and Fire Safe Sonoma A Two for Two in Sonoma County
On a sunny Wednesday afternoon, leaders from two nonprofits serving Sonoma County met to discuss how two different programs, Habitat’s Aging in Place Critical Home Repair and Fire Safe Sonoma’s Fire Prevention Safety programs could work together to benefit more people in our beloved community.
Habitat’s Aging in Place Critical Home Repair program enables seniors and/or people with disabilities to age safely, independently, and comfortably in their home. By providing affordable home repairs, AiP preserves home ownership and gives low-income adults the choice of where they wish to grow older. Our skilled construction staff and group of volunteers perform work such as wheelchair accessible ramps, flooring replacement, wood rot repairs, and more.
At Habitat, we demonstrate our passion and dedication through our actions. Since relaunching the AiP program in 2020, we’ve completed 71 projects.
Fire Safe Sonoma, providing over two decades of service offering fire prevention safety education in response to the continuing threat of wildfires. The disastrous wildfires in California, in the past several years, have caused the loss and destruction of countless communities, homes and lives and this trend is likely to continue.
Starting October 3, Habitat of Sonoma County, in partnership with Fire Safe Sonoma, are incorporating fire prevention and safety services into the AiP program. Services offered include, free home assessments, replacement of smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, fuel reduction, and air vent screen replacement.
With this new partnership the AiP program will provide a more inclusive, much needed service throughout our community. Thank you, Fire Safe Sonoma!
If you or someone you know needs critical home repairs, please visit our website www.habitatsoco.org and reach out to repair@habitatsoco.org.
If you or someone you know is interested in fire safety prevention, please visit Fire Safe Sonoma’s website at www.firesafesonoma.org.