Artizen Staffing CEO, Rosanna Hayden Wins Latino Leadership Award
Artizen Staffing’s CEO, Rosanna Hayden was one of the recipients of the third annual 2018 Latino Business Leadership Award which recognizes outstanding Latino business leaders in the San Francisco North Bay.
Rosanna has been in a corporate management/leadership position for over 28 years but in addition, for over 14 years, Rosanna has served her industry by her participation on the Board of Directors both locally and at the State level for the California Staffing Professionals(CSP) association. She planned, orchestrated and has been a speaker at CSP events and seminars and continues to play a hands-on role in both the Golden Gate Chapter and State Board of Directors of the CSP. She is at the forefront concerning legislative issues. In the past, she addressed concerns for industry members when legislation was proposed in San Francisco that would have a negative effect on the staffing services industry and served as the Political Action Committee chair helping to raise funds and facilitate contributions to legislators. She actively participates in the industry’s legislative day in Sacramento, speaking to legislators and their aids in person concerning different pieces of legislation proposed and how it may affect industry business owners and their employees.
It was during this time that Rosanna managed eBay’s Staffing Services engagement, and Artizen Staffing was awarded eBay’s Highest Rated Temporary Labor Vendor award. Rosanna was awarded the CSP Essey Award for being recognized as an individual who uniquely worked to move her industry forward. She has also been recognized as the leader of one of the fastest growing Woman Owned Businesses in the Bay Area and most recently was published in the North Bay Business Journal as one of the areas local HR Leaders and in the North Bay Biz as owning and managing one of the North Bay’s Leading Companies.
Over the past 7 years, Rosanna’s focus has been on Artizen Staffing’s business expansion. During this time, she established 2 new office locations serving 2 new territories, one of which was the Sonoma County Based, Rohnert Park division which ultimately became Artizen’s Headquarters. As a result, she’s witnessing record revenue and profitability for her company. With each year the Sonoma County office has been generating revenue, revenues have continued to double along with profitability. She was able to accomplish this by leveraging her seasoned business experience, knowing who to hire and when, establishing a winning corporate culture, understanding that each client engagement is unique and allowing for flexibility in how client engagements are established and maintained.
While building a successful business, Rosanna also focuses on community involvement and encourages staff to do so as well. Rosanna has served the local community by her participation on the Board of Directors of the Professional Association of Sonoma County in HR. (PASCO) Her initial position on the Board of Directors was that of VP of Scholarship Outreach. In that capacity, she increased scholarship funds raised and granted several scholarship awards, over 3 times those granted in previous years! In 2018, 9 scholarships were awarded to local Santa Rosa Junior College and Sonoma State University students. In her current capacity as VP of Membership, Rosanna will strive to increase awareness in PASCO and increase membership by demonstrating the value add in participation in PASCO. Rosanna is an active member of the Rohnert Park, Santa Rosa and Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. Rosanna participates in and supports fundraising activities sponsored by PASCO, the Volunteer Center of Sonoma County, Women United and the Church of the Incarnation (Incarnation 100 Charity Benefit Bike Ride – Fundraiser for The Living Room, Sunday Open Table, and St. Andrews Food Program) and has been a generous financial contributor to the Child Parent Institute and the Volunteer Center of Sonoma County.
Rosanna’s full honoree profile along with the other award recipients debuts in the October 29th publication of the North Bay Business Journal. In the meantime, you can visit the North Bay Business Journal’s website for a list of other honorees. An awards luncheon is planned to honoree these leaders on October 30th.